Sunday 2 June 2013

Photo Props

I seem to have moved lately into the party photo props and am attempting to hire them out although self promoting seems to be an issue for me but I thought I would share them on this page.  We probably won't have any big parties this year as we have a big party year next year with my eldest turning 18, and as much as we try to make them cheap they are still an expense.  But I have lately done some boards for other people and for Miss Five's pool party in January, a circus board which is double sided, a lion and the ringmaster, and a bear.

Thursday 18 April 2013

3 year old Knights party

My son loved Knights which came from the TV show Mike the Knight.  It was his wish for his 3rd birthday to have a Knights birthday party.  The ideas came quite quickly and I did some research and came up with some great ideas. I had the idea to make a castle out of ply wood.  It was great on the day but it has been stuck inside ever since the party.
About a week before the party Gabriel fractured his leg.  We certainly tried extra hard to make it a special day.  But I don't think in years to come that he will think about the party and think he had a broken leg.
Pledge Allegiance to the yellow or blue team.  It kind of turned out a boy and a girl team with a couple of exceptions

 I made hobby horses from brown paper bags and a pole.  They were time consuming, but once I had realized that I need to keep going or I would have wasted my time.
 The sword was a problem, I didn't want anything dangerous so the balloon sword was the perfect alternative.

Articus the dragon was my starting point.  He is a paper mache dragon, He was just screwed up newspaper and he looked quite cute in the end

 The family crest and our favorite dragon poem "Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup".

The knights castle was to be the main attraction.  
Ariticus the dragon as a photo booth
A very simply castle cake, a square chocolate cake chocolate and oreos... can't get much easier than that

 The canopy over the top looked great and added to the affect.  I was very pleased that it fitted inside.

The catapults were set up with a target to aim at 

Gabriel turning three with his broken leg.

Dragon tears for each party goer... each had a special power

What is a knights party without a quest.